Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Guide Olympics Training during the Riverfest


The WS Riverfest is Educational and FUN . . .

Every year, guides from each outfitter on the White Salmon River get together to test their 'guide skills' in friendly competition. Well, we have decided to include in our riverfest some training for this annual summer event.

Guide Olympics training will take place during each of our breaks - morning break, lunch break and afternoon break. Start getting ready, here are the competitions:

1st Event - Throw Bag Competition - you must be able to throw the bag into a 'goal'. This competition will test your accuracy.

2nd Event - Paddle Balance - we will see how long you can balance a 't-grip' on your chin. This competition will test your balance.

3rd Event - Ammo can 'tug of war' - You will have to come to the event to find out what this competition is all about!!! This competition will test EVERYTHING it takes to be a raft guide.

We promise you . . . whether you decide to participate or you are an innocent by-stander, you will be laughing your socks off! Hope to see you there.

JUNE 4TH, 2008

See the post below for detailed information about the days' schedule and event sponsors.

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